Tax update: Spotlight on…Glenn Collingbourne

Continuing our Spotlight series of interviews with the people at the heart of Hazlewoods, here we catch up with Glenn Collingbourne, Director in the Tax team.

How did your career with Hazlewoods start and evolve?

I started my journey by studying Construction Engineering at Bristol. However, nearing graduation, I realised that accountancy was a better fit for me and so I trained in a couple of small firms in Gloucester where I earned my ACCA qualification.

In 2006, I became part of the Hazlewoods family. Hazlewoods were already known for their tax expertise, and I was drawn to this area because people genuinely care about their tax bills, and I wanted to help them navigate this complex area. Being part of the legal, dental, and agricultural tax teams provided valuable insights, and I honestly enjoyed helping clients reduce their tax bills, allowing them to invest and grow their businesses.

My work at Hazlewoods is closely aligned to law work in that it involves keeping up with ever-changing legislation, conducting research, and providing advisory services.

What is your role at Hazlewoods?

These days, I advise my own clients, specialising in general market and residency tax matters. For instance, I recently worked with a client who was selling their company. My advice? If they relocated abroad to either Monaco or Dubai, they could save around £6 million on their tax bill. Seeking expert advice and planning ahead is absolutely essential if you are considering a move abroad.

What are the challenges facing your clients?

In the spring Budget this year, it was announced that new rules to non-doms (non domiciled residents) are due to come into effect on 6 April 2025. With a general election imminent, these may not happen dependent on who comes to power, causing a lot of uncertainty to our clients as to whether to stay in the UK or to relocate overseas.

Whilst I can advise on current UK residency tax issues, I often use our extensive HLB International network to advise clients on tax issues in other countries that they may be working in.

What has surprised you about working at Hazlewoods?

From the beginning, I was impressed with how forward-thinking we are as a firm, and the breadth and depth of our industry specialism knowledge. If there is a query I cannot personally answer, I know someone who does!

If you weren’t doing your current role, what other profession would you have considered?

Fighter pilot. Even after seeing two MiGs collide when I was nine years old at an airshow, I have always dreamt of being a pilot (all luckily survived!).

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