Tax update: Comparison of party manifesto tax pledges

With the upcoming election next week, we take a look at the key tax pledges issued in the manifestos of some of the main political parties in the running and examine how our tax regime could change as a result.

A number of parties have set out the taxes which they will not look to increase, however, they have remained silent on others which could give an indication of where we may see future rises to help pay for any tax cuts along with their parties spending pledges which have not been examined in this article. Although some manifestos have more detailed tax pledges than others, we can start to see what the tax landscape may look like for each party and how these may impact on businesses and individuals.

Following the result of the General Election, we will await the first Budget of the new Parliament to see which pledges are brought to fruition, along with any surprise tax changes not contained within their manifesto.

Keep an eye out for our next edition of Talking Tax which will be published shortly after the General Election with a more detailed commentary on the tax proposals for the new Government.

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