Pharmacy update: Meet the team

We are accountants for pharmacists and our specialist team has 20 years’ industry experience. People are the essence of our team, so we hope you enjoy getting to know some of them them better.

Richard Medes

What is it like being an accountant and business adviser for the pharmacy sector right now? At present, the pharmacy sector is really exciting, from corporate disposals, changes in funding and the impact of inflation/stock shortages on profi t margin. As advisers working in the sector, this provides us with interesting challenges and, therefore, new ways to help our clients. 

How do you see the Pharmacy team changing in the next ten years? The Hazlewoods Pharmacy team has expanded over the past few years to meet the needs of our clients. We are providing more specialised advisory services to the sector and expect to increasingly do so over the next ten years, which will no doubt change the shape of the team – watch this space.

James Clarke-Duguid

Why Hazlewoods? I joined Hazlewoods because it was (and is) one of the largest firms in the area and it has a great reputation for training would-be accountants

What would you do (career-wise) if you were not in this current job? I would like to try my hand at being a sports commentator, provided being good at the sport was not required!

Stephen Peart

What do you enjoy most about your role? I enjoy the variety of work my current role provides and the new challenges I face from my progression within the team. Being in the unique position of advising on both tax and accounting matters gives me the opportunity to deal with a wide scope of different scenarios, ranging from personal tax guidance for individual locums to restructuring advice for multiple-branch pharmacies.

What drew you to working in the pharmacy sector? The pharmacy sector plays an important role in healthcare services provided in the UK. The idea of being able to offer advice and guidance to individuals and businesses who are playing such a crucial role is what motivated me to pursue this sector. What drew me to the Pharmacy team at Hazlewoods in particular was Richard, whose industry knowledge and passion to help clients has been a great inspiration.

Aleisha Metcalf

What would people never guess you do in your role? We have a number of trainees which are a crucial part of the Pharmacy team and I spend a lot time training them in different areas of their roles.

Tell us something that we may not know about you? I was an Irish dancer for 16 years and was a part of a team that won the World Championships for dance drama!

Tara Harris

What are the hot topics you are currently talking to clients about? Recently the corporation tax rules have been adjusted and there are now different rates depending on the taxable profit made by the company, which has also meant that the associated company rules have been reintroduced. This has been a popular discussion point. As part of this, clients are also interested in ways that they can reduce their taxable profit which has lead to conversations around capital expenditure on dispensing robots and introducing electric cars to the business.

Do you have a favourite quote or motto? Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day!

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