Financial planning
Professional partners
As well as supporting all our accountancy colleagues within Hazlewoods, we work closely with many other professional advisers, primarily in the accountancy and legal fields.
Our professional relationships
We find that clients often have a team of other advisers working on their financial affairs, and we work alongside these to provide the best overall service.
Over the years, we have established strong relationships with a number of local and regional accountancy and legal practices. Our approach is to work with our fellow professionals and build relationships for the mutual benefit of our clients. In addition to such services, we also offer expertise in the financial and pension issues surrounding divorce, and wealth advice for trustees.
How can we help you?
Financial planning and divorce
We advise on all the financial planning issues that arise upon divorce, most notably those relating to pensions. Our goal is to assist professional advisers and clients, by providing a clear picture of the complex financial issues that may arise. By engaging early with solicitors, we can evaluate the client’s situation, and summarise the advice we would give during and after the divorce process.
Wealth advice for trustees
Investment portfolios should be constructed with an appropriate level of risk to meet long-term financial objectives, subject to any financial and budgetary constraints. We combine independent investment management with sophisticated risk controls, to provide a comprehensive service to meet the investment needs of all trustees, including:
- Independent investment management
- Active management
- Risk management
- Strong governance
- Regular reporting