For Business

Talking Tax winter 2023

In our winter 2023 edition of Talking Tax, we summarise the main tax announcements from the 2023 Autumn Statement and look ahead to potential changes for the coming year.

Sending employees abroad

What happens if your business needs to recruit staff living and working for you overseas, or relocate part of your workforce to foreign countries due to business demands, or to encourage staff retention?

Meet the team… Gemma Read

Continuing our series of spotlights on our Tax team, here we catch up with Gemma Read, Director.

Inside this issue

Our winter issue includes articles on:

VAT recovery on exempt share sales

The recent judgement in the Hotel La Tour case has cast a spotlight on the potential for VAT recovery on costs relating to exempt share sales.

Associated companies and timing of tax payments

New rules came in from April 2023 for groups when determining the number of associated companies.

As a recap, the associated companies rules can impact on both the rate of corporation tax payable and the timing for settling liabilities. In this article we focus on how the new definition can alter the payment date of a company’s tax liabilities.

R&D tax incentives regime changes

As reported in our last issue of Talking Tax, a number of changes to R&D tax incentives were on the horizon. We recap on the key changes now that the rules have started to bed in, as well as look ahead to an even bigger overhaul from April 2024.

Talking Tax winter 2023/24

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Meet the team

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