Financial Planning update: Spotlight on… Andy Hogarth

People are at the heart of the Hazlewoods Financial Planning team, and so to get them know them better we are putting the spotlight on some of them. Here we catch up with Financial Planning Director, Andy Hogarth.

How did your career with Hazlewoods start and develop?

I actually studied history at university, and almost fell into my first financial planning job as I always had a natural interest in numbers and the markets, and so was comfortable in that role. After qualifying as an IFA, I joined Hazlewoods in 2015 as a trainee adviser –  to advise on the rules and regulations, and the ensuing roll-out of auto-enrolment workplace pensions, alongside individual clients. Through advising an increasing number of individual clients over the past few years, I am now enjoying my current position as Director within the Financial Planning team.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Helping people. That is the crux of it really – finding out about their plans, interests and hobbies, and what’s important to them, then helping get them to the place they want to be financially. Also, we have a cracking team in FP!

What are your clients thinking about at the moment?

Investment markets are volatile at the moment, which creates uncertainty and worry. We are there to reassure our clients that the best approach is to stick to the plan, and not to make any knee-jerk reactions with their investments in mind. Indeed, there may be opportunities that arise out of the volatility which we can advise on.

What is keeping you busy lately?

As we are coming to the end of the financial year, we are busy making sure our clients have used all of their tax allowances, for example pension and ISA contributions.

Tell us about what you enjoy outside of work?

I love sport, but sport does not love me. I play golf (badly!) in my free time and watch most sports. I am a Geordie, but unlike most of my family who support the black and white, I followed my great Uncle and chose to support Carlisle United – we are currently the league below Cheltenham Town, but hoping this will change soon…

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